

computes the integral over vpa <= 0 of the integrand, using the input vpa_wgts this could be made more efficient for the case that dz/dt = vpa is time-independent, but it has been left general for the cases where, e.g., dz/dt = wpa*vth + upar varies in time


computes the integral over vpa >= 0 of the integrand, using the input vpa_wgts this could be made more efficient for the case that dz/dt = vpa is time-independent, but it has been left general for the cases where, e.g., dz/dt = wpa*vth + upar varies in time


compute the integral needed for the generalised Chodura condition

IChodura = (Z^2 vBohm^2 / cref^2) * int ( f bz^2 / vz^2 + dfdr*rhostar/vz ) vBohm = sqrt(Z Te/mi) with Z = 1 and mref = mi cref = sqrt(2Ti/mi) and normalise to the local ion density, appropriate to assessing the Chodura condition

IChodura <= (Te/e)d ne / dphi |(sheath entrance) = ni

to a single species plasma with Z = 1


calculate the updated density (dens) and parallel pressure (ppar) for all species this function is only used once after initialisation the function used to update moments at run time is updatederivedmoments! in time_advance.jl
