— Modulemoment_kinetics.neutral_vz_advection.neutral_advection_vz!
— Methodmoment_kinetics.neutral_vz_advection.update_speed_constant_neutral!
— Methodupdate the advection speed dvpa/dt = constant
— Methodmoment_kinetics.neutral_vz_advection.update_speed_linear_neutral
— Methodupdate the advection speed dvpa/dt = const*(vpa + L/2)
— Methodupdate the advection speed in the parallel velocity coordinate for the case where density and pressure are evolved independently from the pdf; in this case, the parallel velocity coordinate is the normalized velocity vpahat = vpa/vth
— Methodupdate the advection speed in the parallel velocity coordinate for the case where density and flow are evolved independently from the pdf; in this case, the parallel velocity coordinate is the peculiar velocity wpa = vpa-upar
— Methodupdate the advection speed (for the neutral distribution function) in the z-velocity coordinate for the case where density, flow and pressure are evolved independently from the pdf; in this case, the parallel velocity coordinate is the normalized peculiar velocity wpahat = (vpa - upar)/vth
— Methodcalculate the advection speed in the vz-direction at each grid point