

Set up an initial condition that tries to be smoothly compatible with the sheath boundary condition for ions, by setting f(±(v_parallel-u0)<0) where u0=0 at the sheath boundaries and for z<0 increases linearly to u0=vpa.L at z=0, while for z>0 increases from u0=-vpa.L at z=0 to zero at the z=z.L/2 sheath.

To be applied to 'full-f' distribution function on vparallel grid (not wparallel grid).

skip_f_electron_bc_points_in_Jacobian(iz, ivperp, ivpa, z, vperp, vpa)

This function returns true when the grid point specified by iz, ivperp, ivpa would be set by the boundary conditions on the electron distribution function. When this happens, the corresponding row should be skipped when adding contributions to the Jacobian matrix, so that the row remains the same as a row of the identity matrix, so that the Jacobian matrix does not modify those points. Returns false otherwise.
