— Modulemoment_kinetics.bgk.allowed_wave_amplitude!
— Methodmoment_kinetics.bgk.init_bgk_pdf!
— Methodmoment_kinetics.bgk.passing_pdf!
— Methodinputs
- pdf is the particle distribution function, with the passing part of phase space not filled in
- phi_max is the maximum value that e * phi / Te takes
- tau = Ti/Te is the ion-electron temperature ratio
- x = mvpa^2/2Te + ephi/Te is 1D array containing the total parallel energy (conserved)
- pdf = particle distribution function; this function fills in the part of phase space where x > e*phi_max/T
— Methodmoment_kinetics.bgk.total_energy_grid
— Methodinputs:
- vpa = parallel velocity normalized by vts = sqrt(2*Te/ms)
- phi = electrostatic potential normalized by Te/e
output: x = vpa^2 + phi is the total parallel energy
— Methodmoment_kinetics.bgk.trapped_pdf!
— Methodinputs
- phi_max is the maximum value that e * phi / Te takes
- tau = Ti/Te is the ion-electron temperature ratio
- x = vpa^2 + e*phi is a 2D array containing the total parallel energy on the (z,vpa) grid
- y = dummy coordinate for the necessary integrals in the function
- integrand = dummy array used to hold integrands defined and integrated in this function
- wgts = integration weights associated with y integrals
- pdf is the particle distribution function for all of phase space, with this function filling in only the part with x < e*phi_max/T