

Check the (kinetic) Chodura condition

Chodura condition is: ∫d^3v F/vpa^2 ≤ mi ne/Te

Return a tuple (whose first entry is the result for the lower boundary and second for the upper) of the ratio which is 1 if the Chodura condition is satisfied (with equality): Te/(mi ne) * ∫d^3v F/vpa^2

Currently only evaluates condition for the first species: is=1


In normalised form (normalised variables suffixed with 'N'): vpa = cref vpaN vperp = cref vperpN ne = nref neN Te = Tref TeN F = FN nref / cref^3 pi^3/2 cref = sqrt(2 Tref / mi)

cref^3 ∫d^3vN FN nref / cref^3 pi^3/2 cref^2 vpaN^2 ≤ mi nref neN / Tref TeN nref / (pi^3/2 cref^2) * ∫d^3vN FN / vpaN^2 ≤ mi nref neN / Tref TeN mi nref / (pi^3/2 2 Tref) * ∫d^3vN FN / vpaN^2 ≤ mi nref neN / Tref TeN 1 / (2 pi^3/2) * ∫d^3vN FN / vpaN^2 ≤ neN / TeN 1 / (2 pi^3/2) * ∫d^3vN FN / vpaN^2 ≤ neN / TeN TeN / (2 neN pi^3/2) * ∫d^3vN FN / vpaN^2 ≤ 1

Note that integrate_over_vspace() includes the 1/pi^3/2 factor already.


The 1D1V code evolves the marginalised distribution function f = ∫d^2vperp F so the Chodura condition becomes ∫dvpa f/vpa^2 ≤ mi ne/Te

In normalised form (normalised variables suffixed with 'N'): vpa = cref vpaN ne = nref neN Te = Tref TeN f = fN nref / cref sqrt(pi) cref = sqrt(2 Tref / mi)

cref ∫dvpaN fN nref / cref sqrt(pi) cref^2 vpaN^2 ≤ mi nref neN / Tref TeN nref / (sqrt(pi) cref^2) * ∫dvpaN fN / vpaN^2 ≤ mi nref neN / Tref TeN mi nref / (sqrt(pi) 2 Tref) * ∫dvpaN fN / vpaN^2 ≤ mi nref neN / Tref TeN 1 / (2 sqrt(pi)) * ∫dvpaN fN / vpaN^2 ≤ neN / TeN 1 / (2 sqrt(pi)) * ∫dvpaN fN / vpaN^2 ≤ neN / TeN TeN / (2 neN sqrt(pi)) * ∫dvpaN fN / vpaN^2 ≤ 1

Note that integrate_over_vspace() includes the 1/sqrt(pi) factor already.

If ir0 is passed, only load the data for as single r-point (to save memory).

If find_extra_offset=true is passed, calculates how many entries of f_lower/f_upper adjacent to $v_∥=0$ would need to be zero-ed out in order for the condition to be satisfied.


Fit a cosine to a 1d array

Fit function is Acos(2πn(z + δ)/L)

The domain z is taken to be periodic, with the first and last points identified, so L=z[end]-z[begin]


z : Array 1d array with positions of the grid points - should have the same length as data data : Array 1d array of the data to be fit amplitudeguess : Float Initial guess for the amplitude (the value from the previous time point might be a good choice) offsetguess : Float Initial guess for the offset (the value from the previous time point might be a good choice) n : Int, default 1 The periodicity used for the fit


amplitude : Float The amplitude A of the cosine fit offset : Float The offset δ of the cosine fit error : Float The RMS of the difference between data and the fit


Fit delta_phi to get the frequency and growth rate.

Note, expect the input to be a standing wave (as simulations are initialised with just a density perturbation), so need to extract both frequency and growth rate from the time-variation of the amplitude.

The function assumes that if the amplitude does not cross zero, then the mode is non-oscillatory and so fits just an exponential, not exp*cos. The simulation used as input should be long enough to contain at least ~1 period of oscillation if the mode is oscillatory or the fit will not work.


z : Array{mkfloat, 1} 1d array of the grid point positions t : Array{mkfloat, 1} 1d array of the time points deltaphi : Array{mkfloat, 2} 2d array of the values of delta_phi(z, t)


phifitresult struct whose fields are: growthrate : mkfloat Fitted growth rate of the mode amplitude0 : mkfloat Fitted amplitude at t=0 frequency : mkfloat Fitted frequency of the mode offset0 : mkfloat Fitted offset at t=0 amplitudefiterror : mkfloat RMS error in fit to ln(amplitude) - i.e. ln(A) offsetfiterror : mkfloat RMS error in fit to offset - i.e. δ cosinefiterror : mkfloat Maximum of the RMS errors of the cosine fits at each time point amplitude : Array{mkfloat, 1} Values of amplitude from which growthrate fit was calculated offset : Array{mk_float, 1} Values of offset from which frequency fit was calculated

steady_state_residuals(variable, variable_at_previous_time, dt;
                       epsilon=0.0001, use_mpi=false)

Calculate how close a variable is to steady state.

Calculates several quantities. Define the 'squared absolute residual' $r_\mathrm{abs}(t)^2$ for a quantity $a(t,x)$ as

$r_\mathrm{abs}(t)^2 = \left( a(t,x) - a(t - \delta t,x) \right)$

and the 'squared relative residual' $r_\mathrm{rel}(t)^2$

$r_\mathrm{rel}(t)^2 = \left( \frac{a(t,x) - a(t - \delta t,x)}{\delta t \left| a(t,x) + \epsilon \max_x(a(t,x)) \right|} \right)$

where $x$ stands for any spatial and velocity coordinates, and the offset $\epsilon \max_x(a(t,x))$ is used to avoid points where $a(t,x)$ happens to be very close to zero from dominating the result in the 'squared relative residual', with $max_x$ being the maximum over the $x$ coordinate(s). Returns an OrderedDict containing: the maximum 'absolute residual' $\max_x\left( \sqrt{r_\mathrm{abs}(t)^2} \right)$ ("RMS absolute residual"); the root-mean-square (RMS) 'absolute residual' $\left< \sqrt{r_\mathrm{abs}(t)^2} \right>_x$ ("max absolute residual"); the maximum 'relative residual' $\max_x\left( \sqrt{r_\mathrm{rel}(t)^2} \right)$ ("RMS relative residual"); the root-mean-square (RMS) 'relative residual' $\left< \sqrt{r_\mathrm{rel}(t)^2} \right>_x$ ("max relative residual").

variable gives the value of $a(t,x)$ at the current time, variable_at_previous_time the value $a(t - \delta t, x)$ at a previous time and dt gives the difference in times $\delta t$. All three can be arrays with a time dimension of the same length, or have no time dimension.

By default runs in serial, but if use_mpi=true is passed, assume MPI has been initialised, and that variable has r and z dimensions but no species dimension, and use @loop_* macros. In this case the result is returned only on global rank 0. When using distributed-memory MPI, this routine will double-count the points on block boundaries.

If only_max_abs=true is passed, then only calculate the 'maxium absolute residual'. In this case the OrderedDict returned will have only one entry, for "max absolute residual".

steady_state_square_residuals(variable, variable_at_previous_time, dt;
                              variable_max=nothing, epsilon=1.0e-4,
                              use_mpi=false, only_max_abs=false)

Used to calculate the mean square residual for steady_state_residuals.

Useful to define this separately as it can be called on (equally-sized) chunks of the variable and then combined appropriately. If this is done, the global maximum of abs.(variable) should be passed to variable_max.

See steady_state_residuals for documenation of the other arguments. The return values of steady_state_residuals are the square-root of the return values of this function.
