Wall boundary conditions with moment constraints


Boundary conditions

The sheath-edge boundary conditions for the ions is that no ions leave from the sheath edge. So at the lower boundary $z=-L_z/2$

\[\begin{align} f(z=-L/2,v_\parallel>0) = 0 \end{align}\]

and at the upper boundary $z=L_z/2$

\[\begin{align} f(z=L/2,v_\parallel<0) = 0 \end{align}\]

Moment constraints

At the sheath-entrance boundary, the constraints need to be enforced slightly differently to how they are done in the bulk of the domain (see Constraints on normalized distribution function). For compatibility with the boundary condition, the corrections which are added to impose the constraints should go to zero at $v_\parallel=0$. Note that the constraints are imposed after the boundary condition is applied by setting $f(v_\parallel>0)=0$ on the lower sheath boundary or $f(v_\parallel<0)=0$ on the upper sheath boundary.

The form of the correction that we choose is

\[\begin{align} \tilde{g}_s &= A\hat{g}_s + Bw_\parallel \frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_s + Cw_\parallel^2 \frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_s \end{align}\]

We have the same set of constraints

\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\tilde{g}_{s} & =1\\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}\tilde{g}_{s} & =0\\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}^{2}\tilde{g}_{s} & =\frac{1}{2} \end{align}\]

Defining the integrals

\[\begin{align} I_{n}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}^{n}\hat{g}_{s}. J_{n}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}^{n}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}. \end{align}\]

We can write the constraints as

\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\tilde{g}_{s}=1 & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\left(A\hat{g}_{s}+Bw_{\|}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}+Cw_{\|}^{2}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}\right) \\ &=AI_{0}+BJ_{1}+CJ_{2}\\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}\tilde{g}_{s}=0 & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\left(Aw_{\|}\hat{g}_{s}+Bw_{\|}^{2}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}+Cw_{\|}^{3}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}\right) \\ &=AI_{1}+BJ_{2}+CJ_{3}\\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}^{2}\tilde{g}_{s}=\frac{1}{2} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\left(Aw_{\|}^{2}\hat{g}_{s}+Bw_{\|}^{3}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}+Cw_{\|}^{4}\frac{|v_\parallel|}{1+|v_\parallel|}\hat{g}_{s}\right) \\ &=AI_{2}+BJ_{3}+CJ_{4}. \end{align}\]

and solving these simultaneous equations

[ intermediate steps ]

\[\begin{align} C &= \frac{\left( \frac{1}{2} - A I_2 - B J_3 \right)}{J_4} \\ B &= -\frac{A I_1 + C J_3}{J_2} \\ &= -\frac{I_1}{J_2} A - \frac{J_3}{J_2} \left( \frac{1}{2J_4} - \frac{I_2}{J_4} A - \frac{J_3}{J_4} B \right) \\ \left( 1 - \frac{J_3^2}{J_2 J_4} \right) B &= -\frac{J_3}{2 J_2 J_4} + \left( \frac{I_2 J_3}{J_2 J_4} - \frac{I_1}{J_2} \right) A \\ B &= \frac{\left( \frac{I_2 J_3}{J_2 J_4} - \frac{I_1}{J_2} \right) A - \frac{J_3}{2 J_2 J_4}}{\left( 1 - \frac{J_3^2}{J_2 J_4} \right)} \\ &= \frac{\left( I_2 J_3 - I_1 J_4 \right) A - \frac{J_3}{2}}{J_2 J_4 - J_3^2} \\ 1 &= A I_0 + B J_1 + C J_2 \\ &= A I_0 + B J_1 + \frac{J_2}{J_4}\left( \frac{1}{2} - A I_2 - B J_3 \right) \\ 1 - \frac{J_2}{2 J_4} &= \left( I_0 - \frac{I_2 J_2}{J_4} \right) A + \left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right) B \\ 1 - \frac{J_2}{2 J_4} &= \left( I_0 - \frac{I_2 J_2}{J_4} \right) A - \frac{\left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right) J_3}{2\left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right)} + \frac{\left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right)\left( I_2 J_3 - I_1 J_4 \right)}{\left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right)} A \\ \left( 1 - \frac{J_2}{2J_4} \right) \left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right) &= \left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right) \left( I_0 - \frac{I_2 J_2}{J_4} \right) A - \frac{\left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right) J_3}{2} + \left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right) \left( I_2 J_3 - I_1 J_4 \right) A \\ \left( 1 - \frac{J_2}{2 J_4} \right)\left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right) + \frac{\left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right) J_3}{2} &= \left[ \left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right)\left( I_0 - \frac{I_2 J_2}{J_4} \right) + \left( J_1 - \frac{J_2 J_3}{J_4} \right)\left( I_2 J_3 - I_1 J_4 \right) \right] A \\ J_2 J_4 - \frac{J_2^2}{2} - J_3^2 + \cancel{\frac{J_2 J_3^2}{2 J_4}} + \frac{J_1 J_3}{2} - \cancel{\frac{J_2 J_3^2}{2 J_4}} &= \left[ I_0 J_2 J_4 - I_2 J_2^2 - I_0 J_3^2 + \cancel{\frac{I_2 J_2 J_3^2}{J_4}} + I_2 J_1 J_3 - I_1 J_1 J_4 - \cancel{\frac{I_2 J_2 J_3^2}{J_4}} + I_1 J_2 J_3 \right] A \\ J_2 J_4 - \frac{J_2^2}{2} + J_3\left( \frac{J_1}{2} - J_3 \right) &= \left[ I_0\left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right) + I_1\left( J_2 J_3 - J_1 J_4 \right) + I_2\left( J_1 J_3 - J_2^2 \right) \right] A \\ A &=\frac{J_2 J_4 - \frac{J_2^2}{2} + J_3\left( \frac{J_1}{2} - J_3 \right)}{I_0\left( J_2 J_4 - J_3^2 \right) + I_1 \left( J_2 J_3 - J_1 J_4 \right) + I_2\left( J_1 J_3 - J_2^2 \right)} \end{align}\]

\[\begin{align} C &= \frac{\frac{1}{2} - A I_2 - B J_3}{J_4} \\ B &= \frac{\frac{1}{2} J_3 + A (I_1 J_4 - I_2 J_3)}{J_3^2 - J_2 J_4} \\ A &= \frac{J_3^2 - J_2 J_4 + \frac{1}{2} (J_2^2 - J_1 J_3)}{I_0 (J_3^2 - J_2 J_4) + I_1 (J_1 J_4 - J_2 J_3) + I_2 (J_2^2 - J_1 J_3)} \end{align}\]

Evolving $u_\parallel$

When evolving only $u_\parallel$ and $n$ separately, we only need two constraints. This corresponds to $C=0$ so that

\[\begin{align} 1 &= A I_0 + B J_1 \\ 0 &= A I_1 + B J_2 \\ B &= -\frac{A I_1}{J_2} \\ A I_0 &= 1 - B J_1 = 1 + \frac{A I_1 J_1}{J_2} \\ A &= \frac{1}{I_0 - \frac{I_1 J_1}{J_2}} \end{align}\]

Evolving $n$

When only evolving $n$ separately, the constraint is the same as in the bulk of the domain

\[\begin{align} 1 &= AI_0 \\ A &= \frac{1}{I_0} \end{align}\]


Boundary conditions

Ions and neutrals that reach the wall are both recycled as neutrals. The neutrals are emitted from the wall with a 'Knudsen cosine' distribution characterised by a specified temperature $T_\mathrm{wall}$ (see Excalibur report TN-05). The Knudsen distribution is given – here assuming that the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wall (so that $v_\parallel$ is the velocity normal to the wall) – by

\[f_{Kw}(v_\zeta,v_r,v_z) = \frac{3}{4\pi} \left(\frac{m_i}{T_\mathrm{wall}}\right)^2 \frac{|v_z|}{\sqrt{v_\zeta^2 + v_r^2 + v_z^2}} \exp\left( -\frac{m_i(v_\zeta^2 + v_r^2 + v_z^2)}{2T_\mathrm{wall}} \right).\]

Note that $f_{Kw}$ is normalised so that it has unit flux $\int d^3v\,|v_z| f_{Kw}(v_\zeta,v_r,v_z) = 1$.

The boundary condition for the neutrals at the lower target is then (for the neutrals leaving whe wall)

\[f_n(r,z=-\frac{L_z}{2},v_\zeta,v_r,v_z>0) = \Gamma_\mathrm{lower}(r) f_{Kw}(v_\zeta,v_r,|v_z|)\]

and at the upper target

\[f_n(r,z=\frac{L_z}{2},v_\zeta,v_r,v_z<0) = \Gamma_\mathrm{upper}(r) f_{Kw}(v_\zeta,v_r,|v_z|).\]

A 'recycling fraction' is included, defined so that a fraction $0 \leq R_\mathrm{recycle} \leq 1$ of the ions hitting the wall are recycled as neutrals, while the whole flux of neutrals hitting the wall is always recycled. (Recycling the 100% of the neutral flux means that the net flux of neutrals - hitting the wall plus recycled - is $R_\mathrm{recycle}$ times the ion flux, which makes applying boundary conditions in the moment-kinetic approach simpler, see the next section.) This results in

\[\begin{align} \Gamma_\mathrm{lower}(r) &= R_\mathrm{recycle} \frac{B_{z}}{B} 2\pi \int_{0}^{\infty} dv_{\perp} \int_{-\infty}^{0} dv_{\parallel}\, |v_{\parallel}| f_{i}(r,-L/2,v_{\perp},v_{\parallel}) \\ &\quad + \int dv_{\zeta}\,dv_{r} \int_{-\infty}^{0} dv_{z}\, |v_{z}| f_{n}(r,-L/2,v_{\zeta},v_{r},v_{z}) \\ \Gamma_\mathrm{upper}(r) &= R_\mathrm{recycle} \frac{B_{z}}{B} 2\pi \int_{0}^{\infty} dv_{\perp} \int_{0}^{\infty} dv_{\parallel}\, |v_{\parallel}| f_{i}(r,L/2,v_{\perp},v_{\parallel}) \\ &\quad + \int dv_{\zeta}\,dv_{r} \int_{0}^{\infty} dv_{z}\, |v_{z}| f_{n}(r,L/2,v_{\zeta},v_{r},v_{z}) \end{align}\]

For 1D1V, we 'marginalise' – i.e. integrate over $v_\perp$, assuming that $v_\parallel=v_z$ (i.e. the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wall so $B_{z}/B = 1$) – (see Excalibur report TN-08) which gives

\[\begin{align} f_{Kw,1V}(v_\parallel) &= \int dv_\zeta dv_r f_{Kw}(v_\zeta,v_r,v_\parallel) = 2\pi \int dv_\perp\,v_\perp f_{Kw}(v_\perp,v_\parallel) \\ &= 3\sqrt{\pi} \left(\frac{m_i}{2T_\mathrm{wall}}\right)^{3/2}|v_\parallel|\,\mathrm{erfc}\!\left(\sqrt{\frac{m_i}{2T_\mathrm{wall}}}|v_\parallel|\right) \end{align}\]

Moment constraints

When using the moment kinetic approach, we first need to apply a boundary condition to the moments so that the net flux of neutrals leaving the wall matches the recycling fraction $R_\mathrm{recycle}$ times the flux of ions reaching the wall

\[\begin{align} u_{\parallel,n}(z=\pm L/2) = -R_\mathrm{recycle} \frac{n_{i}(z=\pm L/2) u_{\parallel,i}(z=\pm L/2)}{n_{n}(z=\pm L/2)}. \end{align}\]

Having enforced the boundary condition on the flux, we need to impose that the outgoing neutrals have the shape of a Knudsen cosine distribution, and ensure that the constraints (Constraints on normalized distribution function) are satisfied. To impose three constraints we need three free parameters. Taking as before the updated, incoming part of the neutral distribution function before moment corrections to be

\[\begin{align} \hat{g}_\mathrm{in}(w_\parallel) = \begin{cases} H(-w_{\parallel} v_{\mathrm{th},n} - u_{\parallel,n})\hat{g}(z,w_{\parallel}) & \text{at } z = -L/2 \\ H(w_{\parallel} v_{\mathrm{th},n} + u_{\parallel,n})\hat{g}(z,w_{\parallel}) & \text{at } z = +L/2 \end{cases} \end{align}\]

and the shape for the Knudsen distribution to be

\[\begin{align} \hat{g}_{Kw}(w_{\parallel}) = \begin{cases} H(w_{\parallel} v_{\mathrm{th},n} + u_{\parallel,n})f_{Kw,1V}(w_{\parallel} v_{\mathrm{th},n} + u_{\parallel,n}) & \text{at } z = -L/2 \\ H(-w_{\parallel} v_{\mathrm{th},n} - u_{\parallel,n})f_{Kw,1V}(w_{\parallel} v_{\mathrm{th},n} + u_{\parallel,n}) & \text{at } z = +L/2 \end{cases} \end{align}\]

we define the final updated distribution function to be

\[\begin{align} \tilde{g}_n(w_{\parallel}) = N_\mathrm{out} \hat{g}_{Kw} + N_\mathrm{in} \hat{g}_\mathrm{in} + C w_\parallel \hat{g}_\mathrm{in} \end{align}\]

(note that if we chose to use $v_\parallel = w_\parallel v_{\mathrm{th},n} + u_{\parallel,n}$ instead of $w_\parallel$ in the final term with the $C$ coefficient, this is just a shift by a constant and scale by another constant, so would have the same form, just with different (but equivalent) values of the $N_\mathrm{in}$ and $C$ coefficients).

Defining the integrals

\[\begin{align} I_n = \int dw_{\parallel}\, w_{\parallel}^n \hat{g}_\mathrm{in}(w_{\parallel}) K_n = \int dw_{\parallel}\, w_{\parallel}^n \hat{g}_{Kw}(w_{\parallel}) \end{align}\]

the constraints are

\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\tilde{g}_{n}=1 & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\left(N_\mathrm{out} \hat{g}_{Kw} + N_\mathrm{in} \hat{g}_\mathrm{in} + C w_\parallel \hat{g}_\mathrm{in}\right) \\ &= N_\mathrm{out} K_{0} + N_\mathrm{in} I_{0} + C I_{1} \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}\tilde{g}_{n}=0 & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\left(N_\mathrm{out} w_{\|} \hat{g}_{Kw} + N_\mathrm{in} w_{\|} \hat{g}_\mathrm{in} + C w_\parallel^2 \hat{g}_\mathrm{in}\right) \\ &= N_\mathrm{out} K_{1} + N_\mathrm{in} I_{1} + C I_{2} \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}w_{\|}^{2}\tilde{g}_{n}=\frac{1}{2} & =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dw_{\|}\left(N_\mathrm{out} w_{\|}^2 \hat{g}_{Kw} + N_\mathrm{in} w_{\|}^2 \hat{g}_\mathrm{in} + C w_\parallel^3 \hat{g}_\mathrm{in}\right) \\ &= N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} + N_\mathrm{in} I_{2} + C I_{3} \end{align}\]

which can be solved to find

[ intermediate steps ]

\[\begin{align} C &= \frac{\left(\frac{1}{2} - N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{2}\right)}{I_{3}} \\ N_\mathrm{out} &= \frac{\left(-N_\mathrm{in} I_{1} - C I_{2} \right)}{K_{1}} \\ &= -\frac{N_\mathrm{in} I_{1}}{K_{1}} - \frac{I_{2} \left(\frac{1}{2} - N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{2}\right)}{K_{1} I_{3}} \\ N_\mathrm{out} K_{1} I_{3} &= -N_\mathrm{in} I_{1} I_{3} - I_{2} \left(\frac{1}{2} - N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{2}\right) \\ N_\mathrm{out} &= -\frac{\left(N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{1} I_{3} - I_{2}^2\right) + \frac{1}{2} I_{2}\right)}{\left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right)} \\ N_\mathrm{in} &= \frac{\left(1 - N_\mathrm{out} K_{0} - C I_{1}\right)}{I_{0}} \\ &= \frac{\left(1 - N_\mathrm{out} K_{0}\right)}{I_{0}} - \frac{C I_{1}}{I_{0}} \\ &= \frac{\left(1 - N_\mathrm{out} K_{0}\right)}{I_{0}} - \frac{I_{1} \left(\frac{1}{2} - N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{2}\right)}{I_{0} I_{3}} \\ N_\mathrm{in} I_{0} I_{3} &= \left(1 - N_\mathrm{out} K_{0}\right)I_{3} - I_{1} \left(\frac{1}{2} - N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{2}\right) \\ N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) &= I_{3} - \frac{1}{2} I_{1} - N_\mathrm{out} \left(K_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} K_{2}\right) \\ N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) &= I_{3} - \frac{1}{2} I_{1} + \left(K_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} K_{2}\right) \frac{\left(N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{1} I_{3} - I_{2}^2\right) + \frac{1}{2} I_{2}\right)}{\left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right)} \\ N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) \left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right) &= \left(I_{3} - \frac{1}{2} I_{1}\right) \left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right) + \left(K_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} K_{2}\right) \left(N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{1} I_{3} - I_{2}^2\right) + \frac{1}{2} I_{2}\right) \\ N_\mathrm{in} \left( \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) \left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right) - \left(K_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} K_{2}\right) \left(I_{1} I_{3} - I_{2}^2\right) \right) &= \left(I_{3} - \frac{1}{2} I_{1}\right) \left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right) + \left(K_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} K_{2}\right) \frac{1}{2} I_{2} \\ N_\mathrm{in} \left( K_{0} I_{3} \left(I_{2}^2 - I_{1} I_{3}\right) + K_{1} I_{3} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) + K_{2} \left(\cancel{I_{1} I_{2}^2} - I_{0} I_{2} I_{3} + I_{1}^2 I_{3} - \cancel{I_{1} I_{2}^2}\right)\right) &= \frac{1}{2} K_{0} I_{2} I_{3} + K_{1} I_{3} \left(I_3 - \frac{1}{2} I_{1}\right) + K_{2} \left(\cancel{\frac{1}{2} I_{1} I_{2}} - I_{2} I_{3} - \cancel{\frac{1}{2} I_{1} I_{2}} \right) \\ N_\mathrm{in} \left( K_{0} \left(I_{2}^2 - I_{1} I_{3}\right) + K_{1} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) + K_{2} \left(I_{1}^2 - I_{0} I_{2}\right)\right) &= \frac{1}{2} K_{0} I_{2} + K_{1} \left(I_3 - \frac{1}{2} I_{1}\right) - K_{2} I_{2} \\ N_\mathrm{in} &= \frac{\left(\frac{1}{2} K_{0} I_{2} + K_{1} \left(I_3 - \frac{1}{2} I_{1}\right) - K_{2} I_{2}\right)}{\left( K_{0} \left(I_{2}^2 - I_{1} I_{3}\right) + K_{1} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) + K_{2} \left(I_{1}^2 - I_{0} I_{2}\right)\right)} \\ \end{align}\]

\[\begin{align} C &= \frac{\left(\frac{1}{2} - N_\mathrm{out} K_{2} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{2}\right)}{I_{3}} \\ N_\mathrm{out} &= -\frac{\left(N_\mathrm{in} \left(I_{1} I_{3} - I_{2}^2\right) + \frac{1}{2} I_{2}\right)}{\left(K_{1} I_{3} - K_{2} I_{2}\right)} \\ N_\mathrm{in} &= \frac{\left(\frac{1}{2} K_{0} I_{2} + K_{1} \left(I_3 - \frac{1}{2} I_{1}\right) - K_{2} I_{2}\right)}{\left( K_{0} \left(I_{2}^2 - I_{1} I_{3}\right) + K_{1} \left(I_{0} I_{3} - I_{1} I_{2}\right) + K_{2} \left(I_{1}^2 - I_{0} I_{2}\right)\right)} \end{align}\]

Evolving $u_\parallel$

When evolving only $u_\parallel$ and $n$ separately, we only need two constraints. This corresponds to $C=0$ so that

\[\begin{align} N_\mathrm{out} = -\frac{I_{1}}{K_{1}} N_\mathrm{in} \\ N_\mathrm{in} = \frac{1}{I_{0} - \frac{K_{0} I_{1}}{K_{1}}} \end{align}\]

Evolving $n$

When only evolving $n$ separately, we still have $C=0$, but $N_\mathrm{in}$ and $N_\mathrm{out}$ must be adjusted to impose the density-moment constraint and the flux boundary condition.

\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dv_{\|}\tilde{g}_{n}=1 &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dv_{\|}\left(N_\mathrm{out} \hat{g}_{Kw} + N_\mathrm{in} \hat{g}_\mathrm{in}\right) \\ &= N_\mathrm{out} K_{0} + N_\mathrm{in} I_{0} \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dv_{\|}v_{\|}\tilde{g}_{n} = u_{n} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int dv_{\|}\left(N_\mathrm{out} v_{\|} \hat{g}_{Kw} + N_\mathrm{in} v_{\|} \hat{g}_\mathrm{in} \right) \\ &= N_\mathrm{out} K_{1} + N_\mathrm{in} I_{1}, \end{align}\]

where $u_{n}$ is calculated from the ion flux as above, which can be solved to give

\[\begin{align} N_\mathrm{out} &= \frac{\left(u_{n} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{1}\right)}{K_{1}} \\ 1 &= N_\mathrm{in} I_{0} + \frac{K_{0} \left(u_{n} - N_\mathrm{in} I_{1}\right)}{K_{1}} \\ \Rightarrow N_\mathrm{in} &= \frac{\left(1 - \frac{K_{0} u_{n}}{K_{1}}\right)}{\left(I_{0} - \frac{K_{0} I_{1}}{K_{1}}\right)} \end{align}\]