External sources

Sometimes it is useful to have a source term for the plasma or neutrals (the $S_i$ and $S_n$ of Moment kinetic equations). The currently-implemented source term has the form of a Maxwellian with constant temperature and spatially-varying amplitude

\[\begin{align} S_i &= A_i(r,z) \frac{1}{(\pi)^{3/2} (2 T_{\mathrm{source},i} / m_i)^{3/2}} \exp\left( -\frac{(v_\perp^2 + v_\parallel^2)}{T_{\mathrm{source},i}} \right) \\ S_n &= A_n(r,z) \frac{1}{(\pi)^{3/2} (2 T_{\mathrm{source},n} / m_n)^{3/2}} \exp\left( -\frac{(v_\zeta^2 + v_r^2 + v_z^2)}{T_{\mathrm{source},n}} \right) \end{align}\]

or in 1V simulations that do not include $v_\perp$, $v_\zeta$, $v_r$ dimensions

\[\begin{align} S_i &= A_i(r,z) \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi} \sqrt{2 T_{\mathrm{source},i} / m_i}} \exp\left( -\frac{v_\perp^2}{T_{\mathrm{source},i}} \right) \\ S_n &= A_n(r,z) \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi} \sqrt{2 T_{\mathrm{source},n} / m_n}} \exp\left( -\frac{v_z^2}{T_{\mathrm{source},n}} \right) \end{align}\]

The sources are controlled by options in the [ion_source] and [neutral_source] sections of the input file. The source terms are enabled by setting active = true. The constant temperature is set with the source_T option (default is 1 for ions and $T_\mathrm{wall}$ for neutrals). The amplitude can be set or controlled in various ways depending on the source_type setting, as explained in the following subsection.

Note that all the settings mentioned below have values given in normalised units (in the same way as the settings for initial profiles, etc.).


Fixed amplitude (default)

When source_type = "Maxwellian" (the default), the amplitude of the source is fixed in time and controled by the profile options. The profile has the form

\[A(r,z) = A_0 R(r) Z(z)\]

where $A_0$ is given by the source_strength option. $R(r)$ and $Z(z)$ are controlled by the r_profile and z_profile options respectively. The available options for either are the same, so letting x stand for either of r or z, and X for the corresponding R or Z:

  • x_profile = "constant" (the default) means $X(x)=1$.
  • x_profile = "gaussian" means $X(x) = (1 - X_\mathrm{min}) \exp\left( -\left(\frac{x}{w}\right)^2 \right) + X_\mathrm{min}$ where $X_\mathrm{min}$ is set by x_relative_minimum and $w$ is set by x_width.
  • x_profile = "parabolic" means $P(x) = \left( 1 - \left(\frac{2x}{w}\right)^2 \right)$, $X(x) = (1 - X_\mathrm{min}) H(P(x)) P(x) + X_\mathrm{min}$ where $X_\mathrm{min}$ is set by x_relative_minimum and $w$ is set by x_width. The effect of the step function $H$ is to let the profile be a quadratic in the range $-w/2 < x < w/2$, but equal to a floor (by default 0, so that the source is just not allowed to become negative) outside that range.

Midpoint density controller

When source_type = "density_midpoint_control" a PI controller (Wikipedia) is used to control the ion/neutral density. The 'midpoint' for the purposes of this controller is the point on the grid where $r=0$ and $z=0$ (there must be a grid point there).

The spatial profile of the source ($R(r)$ and $Z(z)$) is set in the same way as for the 'Fixed amplitude' source (see above), but now the prefactor changes with time

\[A(r,z) = A_0(t) R(r) Z(z).\]

The prefactor $A_0(t)$ is controlled to set the midpoint density to some value $n(r=0,z=0)\rightarrow n_\mathrm{PI}$ where $n_\mathrm{PI}$ is set by PI_density_target_amplitude. Specifically,

\[\begin{align} A_0(t) &= \mathtt{max}\left(P(n_\mathrm{PI} - n(r=0,z=0)) + \iota(t), 0\right) \\ \frac{\partial \iota}{\partial t} &= I(n_\mathrm{PI} - n(r=0,z=0)). \end{align}\]

The 'proportional' coefficient $P$ is set by PI_density_controller_P and the 'integral' coefficient $I$ is set by PI_density_controller_I. The $\mathrm{max}(\ldots,0)$ is to ensure that the 'source term' is never negative (i.e. a sink), to avoid the possibility of driving the system towards negative density.

Density profile controller

When source_type = "density_profile_control" a PI controller (Wikipedia) is used to control the ion/neutral density profile.

The target profile is

\[n_\mathrm{PI}(r,z) = n_{\mathrm{PI},0} R(r) Z(z)\]

where $n_{\mathrm{PI},0}$ is set by PI_density_target_amplitude and $R(r)$ and $Z(z)$ are set as described in Fixed amplitude (default).

The source amplitude $A(r,z)$ is controlled to set the density profile to $n(r,z)\rightarrow n_\mathrm{PI}(r,z)$. Specifically,

\[\begin{align} A(r,z) &= \mathtt{max}\left(P(n_\mathrm{PI}(r,z) - n(r,z)) + \iota(t,r,z), 0\right) \\ \frac{\partial \iota(t,r,z)}{\partial t} &= I(n_\mathrm{PI}(r,z) - n(r,z)). \end{align}\]

The 'proportional' coefficient $P$ is set by PI_density_controller_P and the 'integral' coefficient $I$ is set by PI_density_controller_I. The $\mathrm{max}(\ldots,0)$ is to ensure that the 'source term' is never negative (i.e. a sink), to avoid the possibility of driving the system towards negative density.


The source of neutrals can be set so that some fraction of the flux of ions to the walls is recycled into the volume of the domain as neutrals by using the source_type = "recycling" option.

The profile is set up whose spatial integral is 1

\[A(r,z) = A_0 R(r) Z(z)\]

where $A_0 = \left[\int dr\,dz\, R(r) Z(z)\right]^{-1}$ and $R(r)$ and $Z(z)$ are set as described in Fixed amplitude (default). The source is

\[S_n(t,r,z) = F(t) A(r,z)\]

where $F(t)$ is the sum of the integrated ion flux to the lower and upper targets.


The target flux calculated for this controller does not account for magnetic field lines that are not perpendicular to the wall, or for drifts to the target, so needs updating (within moment_kinetics.external_sources.external_neutral_source_controller!) to be used in 2D simulations.

Energy source

When source_type = "energy", rather than just adding particles with temperature $T_\mathrm{source},s$, the existing plasma or neutrals in the domain are swapped with plasma/neutrals from a Maxwellian with $T_\mathrm{source},s$, so that the density is unchanged, but energy is added (or potentially removed if the plasma/neutrals are hotter than $T_\mathrm{source},s$).

\[\begin{align} S_i &= A_i(r,z) \left[ \frac{1}{(\pi)^{3/2} (2 T_{\mathrm{source},i} / m_i)^{3/2}} \exp\left( -\frac{(v_\perp^2 + v_\parallel^2)}{T_{\mathrm{source},i}} - f_i(v_\perp, v_\parallel) \right) \right] \\ S_n &= A_n(r,z) \left[ \frac{1}{(\pi)^{3/2} (2 T_{\mathrm{source},n} / m_n)^{3/2}} \exp\left( -\frac{(v_\zeta^2 + v_r^2 + v_z^2)}{T_{\mathrm{source},n}} - f_n(v_\zeta, v_r, v_z) \right) \right] \end{align}\]

or in 1V simulations

\[\begin{align} S_i &= A_i(r,z) \left[ \frac{1}{sqrt{\pi} \sqrt{2 T_{\mathrm{source},i} / m_i}} \exp\left( -\frac{v_\perp^2}{T_{\mathrm{source},i}} - f_i(v_\parallel) \right) \right] \\ S_n &= A_n(r,z) \left[ \frac{1}{sqrt{\pi} \sqrt{2 T_{\mathrm{source},n} / m_n}} \exp\left( -\frac{v_z^2}{T_{\mathrm{source},n}} - f_n(v_z) \right) \right] \end{align}\]

Note that this source does not give a fixed power input (although that might be a nice feature to have), it just swaps plasma/neutral particles at a constant rate.


See external_sources.