

If you need to add a dependency, start the REPL with the moment_kinetics package activated (see above), enter pkg> mode (press ]) and then to add, for example, the FFTW.jl package enter

(moment_kinetics) pkg> add FFTW

This should take care of adding the package (FFTW) to the Project.toml and Manifest.toml files.


When working on the code, one way to avoid waiting for everything to recompile frequently is to load the Revise.jl package

julia> using Revise

Revise.jl will recompile each edited function/method as needed, so it is possible to keep a REPL session open and avoid long recompilation. moment_kinetics can be run fairly conveniently from the REPL

julia> using moment_kinetics
julia> run_moment_kinetics(input)

where input is a Dict() containing any non-default options desired. Input can also be loaded from a TOML file passing the filaname as a String to the second argument, e.g.

julia> run_moment_kinetics("input.toml")

It might be convenient to add using Revise to your startup.jl file (~/julia/config/startup.jl) so it's always loaded.

Input options and defaults

The input is read from a .toml file. It is also written to the output HDF5 (or NetCDF) file, after all defaults are applied, both as a TOML-formatted String and as a tree of HDF5 variables.


Neither TOML nor HDF5 have a 'null' type, so there is no convenient way to store Julia's nothing when writing to TOML or HDF5. Therefore nothing should not be used as a default for any input option. If the code should use nothing as a default for some setting, that is fine, but must be done after the input is read, and not stored in the input_dict.

Array types

Most arrays in moment_kinetics are declared using a custom array type moment_kinetics.communication.MPISharedArray. Most of the time this type is just an alias for Array, and so it needs the same template parameters (see Julia's Array documentation) - the data type and the number of dimensions, e.g. MPISharedArray{mk_float,3}. Although these arrays use shared memory, Julia does not know about this. We use MPI.Win_allocate_shared() to allocate the shared memory, then wrap it in an Array in moment_kinetics.communication.allocate_shared.

The reason for using the alias, is that when the shared-memory debugging mode is activated, we instead create arrays using a type DebugMPISharedArray, which allows us to track some debugging information along with the array, see Shared memory debugging, and make MPISharedArray an alias for DebugMPISharedArray instead. The reason for the alias is that if we declared our structs with just Array type, then when debugging is activated we would not be able to store DebugMPISharedArray instances in those structs, and if we declared the structs with AbstractArray, they would not be concretely typed, which could impact performance by creating code that is not 'type stable' (i.e. all concrete types are known at compile time).


The code is parallelized at the moment using MPI and shared-memory arrays. Arrays representing the pdf, moments, etc. are shared between all processes. Using shared memory means, for example, we can take derivatives along one dimension while parallelising the other for any dimension without having to communicate to re-distribute the arrays. Using shared memory instead of (in future as well as) distributed memory parallelism has the advantage that it is easier to split up the points within each element between processors, giving a finer-grained parallelism which should let the code use larger numbers of processors efficiently.

It is possible to use a REPL workflow with parallel code:

  • Recommended option is to use tmpi. This utility (it's a bash script that uses tmux) starts an mpi program with each process in a separate pane in a single terminal, and mirrors input to all processes simultaneously (which is normally what you want, there are also commands to 'zoom in' on a single process).
  • Another 'low-tech' possibilty is to use something like mpirun -np 4 xterm -e julia --project, but that will start each process in a separate xterm and you would have to enter commands separately in each one. Occasionally useful for debugging when nothing else is available.

There is no restriction on the number of processes or number of grid points, although load-balancing may be affected - if there are only very few points per process, and a small fraction of processes have an extra grid point (e.g. splitting 5 points over 4 processes, so 3 process have 1 point but 1 process has 2 points), many processes will spend time waiting for the few with an extra point.

Parallelism is implemented through macros that get the local ranges of points that each process should handle. The inner-most level of nested loops is typically not parallelized, to allow efficient FFTs for derivatives, etc. A loop over one (possibly parallelized) dimension can be written as, for example,

@loop_s is begin
    f[is] = ...

These macros can be nested as needed for relatively complex loops

@loop_s is begin
    @loop_z iz begin
        @views do_something(f[:,iz,is])
    @loop_z iz begin
        @views do_something_else(f[:,iz,is])

Simpler nested loops can (optionally) be written more compactly

@loop_s_z_vpa is iz ivpa begin
    f[ivpa,iz,is] = ...

Which dimensions are actually parallelized by these macros is controlled by the 'region' that the code is currently in, as set by the begin_<dims>_region() functions, where <dims> are the dimensions that will be parallelized in the following region. For example, after calling begin_s_z_region() loops over species and z will be divided up over the processes in a 'block' (currently there is only one block, which contains the whole grid and all the processes being used, as we have not yet implemented distributed-memory parallelism). Every process will loop over all points in the remaining dimensions if the loop macros for those dimensions are called.

  • The recommended place to put begin_*_region() calls is at the beginning of a function whose contents should use loops parallelised according to the settings for that region.

    • Each begin_*_region() function checks if the region it would set is already active, and if so returns immediately (doing nothing). This means that begin_*_region() can (and should) be used to mark a block of code as belonging to that region, and if moment_kinetics is already in that region type, the call will have essentially zero cost.
    • In some places it may be necessary to change the region type half way through a function, etc. This is fine.
    • When choosing which region type to select, note that all 'parallelised dimensions' must be looped over for each operation (otherwise some points may be written more than once), unless some special handling is used (e.g. species dimension s is parallelised, but a conditional like if 1 in loop_ranges[].s is wrapped around code to be executed so that only processes which should handle the point at s=1 do anything). It may be more optimal in some places to choose region types that do not parallelise all possible dimensions, to reduce the number of synchronisations that are needed.
    • As a matter of style, it is recommended to place begin_*_region() calls within functions where the loops are (or at most one level above), so that it is not necessary to search back along the execution path of the code to find the most recent begin_*_region() call, and therefore know what region type is active.
  • In a region after begin_serial_region(), the rank 0 process in each block will loop over all points in every dimension, and all other ranks will not loop over any.

  • Inside serial regions, the macro @serial_region can also be used to wrap blocks of code so that they only run on rank 0 of the block. This is useful for example to allow the use of array-broadcast expressions during initialization where performance is not critical.

  • To help show how these macros work, a script is provided that print a set of examples where the loop macros are expanded. It can be run from the Julia REPL

    $ julia --project
       _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
      (_)     | (_) (_)    |
       _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
      | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
      | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.7.0 (2021-11-30)
     _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
    |__/                   |
    julia> include("util/print-macros.jl")

    or on the command line

    $ julia --project util/print-macros.jl

The ranges used are stored in a LoopRanges struct in the Ref variable loop_ranges (which is exported by the looping module). The range for each dimension is stored in a member with the same name as the dimension, e.g. loop_ranges[].s for the species. Occasionally it is useful to access the range directly. There are different LoopRanges instances for different parallelization patterns - the instance stored in loop_ranges is updated when begin_*_region() is called. It is possible to find out the current region type (i.e. which dimensions are being parallelized) by looking at loop_ranges[].parallel_dims.


The square brackets [] after loop_ranges[] are needed because loop_ranges is a reference to a LoopRanges object Ref{LoopRanges} (a bit like a pointer) - it allows loop_ranges to be a const variable, so its type is always known at compile time, but the actual LoopRanges can be set/modified at run-time.

It is also possible to run a block of code in serial (on just the rank-0 member of each block of processes) by wrapping it in a @serial_region macro. This is mostly useful for initialization or file I/O where performance is not critical. For example

@serial_region begin
    # Do some initialization
    f .= 0.0

Internally, when the begin_*_region() functions need to change the region type (i.e. the requested region is not already active), they call _block_synchronize(), which calls MPI.Barrier(). They also switch over the LoopRanges struct contained in looping.loop_ranges as noted above. For optimization, the _block_synchronize() call can be skipped - when it is correct to do so - by passing the argument no_synchronize=true (or some more complicated conditional expression if synchronization is necessary when using some options but not for others).

Collision operator and anyv region

The Fokker-Planck collision operator requires a special approach to shared-memory parallelisation. There is an outer loop over spatial points (and potentially over species). Inside that outer loop there are operations that can benefit from parallelisation over $v_{\perp}$, or over $v_{\parallel}$, or over both $v_{\perp}$ and $v_{\parallel}$, as well as some that do not parallelise over velocity space at all. To deal with this, it is beneficial to parallelise the outer loop over species and spatial dimensions as much as possible, and then within that allow changes between different ways of parallelizing over velocity space.

The mechanism introduced to allow the type of parallelization just described is the 'anyv' (read any-$v$) region. Before the outer loop of the collision operator begin_s_r_z_anyv_region() is used to start the 'anyv' parallelization. Then within the @loop is ir iz begin... the functions begin_anyv_region() (for no parallelization over velocity space), begin_anyv_vperp_region(), begin_anyv_vpa_region() and begin_anyv_vperp_vpa_region() can be used to parallelize over neither velocity space dimension, either velocity space dimension individually, or over both velocity space dimensions together. This is possible because 'subblocks' of processes are defined. Each subblock shares the same range of species and spatial indices, which stay the same throughout the begin_s_r_z_anyv_region() section, and are not shared with any other subblock of processes. Because the subblock has an independent set of species- and spatial-indices, when changing the velocity-space parallelization only the processes in the sub-block need to be synchronized which is done by moment_kinetics.communication._anyv_subblock_synchronize, which is called when necessary within the begin_anyv*_region() functions (the whole shared-memory block does not need to be synchronized at once, as would be done by moment_kinetics.communication._block_synchronize). The processes that share an anyv subblock are all part of the comm_anyv_subblock[] communicator (which is a subset of the processes in the full block, whose communicator is comm_block[]).

See also notes on debugging the 'anyv' parallelisation: Collision operator and 'anyv' region.

Package structure

The structure of the packages in the moment_kinetics repo is set up so that some features, which depend on 'heavy' external packages (such as Makie, Plots, and Symbolics, which take a long time to precompile and load) can be optional.

The structure is set up by the machines/ script, which prompts the user for input to decide which optional components to include (as well as some settings related to batch job submission on HPC clusters). calls several other scripts to do the setup (written as far as possible in Julia). The structure of these scripts is explained in machine_setup notes.

The intention is that a top-level 'project' (defined by a Project.toml file, which is created and populated by machines/ is set up in the top-level directory of the repository. The moment_kinetics package itself (which is in the moment_kinetics/ subdirectory, defined by its own Project.toml file which is tracked by git), and optionally other post-processing packages, are added to this top-level project using Pkg.develop().

Optional dependencies

Some capabilities that require optional dependencies are provided using 'package extensions' (a new feature of Julia in v1.9.0).

The way we use package extensions is a bit of a hack. Extensions are intended to be activated when an optional dependency (called a 'weakdep' by Julia) is loaded, e.g. using moment_kinetics, NCDatasets. This usage pattern is not the most convenient for the way we use moment_kinetics where we would rather just load moment_kinetics and then specify for example binary_format = "netcdf" in the input TOML file. To work around this, the optional dependencies are loaded automatically if they are installed (by calling Base.requires() in the __init__() function of an appropriate sub-module). This is not the way package extensions were intended to be used, and it may be a bit fragile - at the time of writing in January 2024 there would be an error on precompilation if the optional dependencies were added in one order, which went away when the order was reversed. If this causes problems, we might need to consider an alternative, for example adding the optional dependencies to the startup.jl file, instead of trying to auto-load them from within the moment_kinetics package.

The optional capabilities at the moment are:

  • Method of manufactured solutions (MMS) testing - this requires the Symbolics package which is heavy and has a large number of dependencies. It is convenient not to require Symbolics when MMS capability is not being used. The functionality is provided by the manufactured_solns_ext extension. The extension also requires the IfElse package, which is not needed elsewhere in moment_kinetics and so is included as a 'weakdep' although IfElse is not a heavy dependency.
  • NetCDF output - this requires the NCDatasets package. Although not as heavy as Symbolics or the plotting packages, NetCDF output is not required and not used by default, so it does not hurt to make the dependency optional. As a bonus, importing NCDatasets can sometimes cause linking errors when a local or system installation of HDF5 (i.e. one not provided by the Julia package manager) is used, as NCDatasets (sometimes?) seems to try to link a different version of the library. These errors can be avoided by not enabling NetCDF outut (when HDF5 output is preferred), or allowing Julia to use the HDF5 library provided by its package manager (when NetCDF is preferred, although this would mean that parallel I/O functionality is not available).

Post processing packages

Post processing functionality is provided by separate packages (makie_post_processing and plots_post_processing) rather than by extensions. Extensions are not allowed to define new modules, functions, etc. within the main package, they can only add new methods (i.e. new implementations of the function for a different number of arguments, or different types of the arguments) to functions already defined in the main package. For post-processing, we want to add a lot of new functions, so to use extensions instead of separate packages we would need to define all the function names in the main package, and then separately the implementations in the extension, which would be inconvenient and harder to maintain.

There are two suggested ways of setting up the post-processing packages:

  1. For interactive use/development on a local machine, one or both post-processing packages can be added to the top-level project using Pkg.develop(). This is convenient as there is only one project to deal with. Both simulations and post-processing are run using
    $ bin/julia --project -O3 <...>
  2. For optimized use on an HPC cluster it is better to set up a separate project for the post-processing package(s). This allows different optimization flags to be used for running simulations (-O3 --check-bounds=no) and for post-processing (-O3). [Note, in particular Makie.jl can have performance problems if run with --check-bounds=no, see here.] Simulations should be run with
    $ bin/julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=no <...>
    and post-processing with
    $ bin/julia --project=makie_post_processing -O3 <...>
    $ bin/julia --project=plots_post_processing -O3 <...>
    This option can also be used on a local machine, if you want to optimise your simulation runs as much as possible by using the --check-bounds=no flag. To do this answer y to the prompt "Would you like to set up separate packages for post processing..." from machines/

To support option 2, the post-processing packages are located in sub-sub-directories (makie_post_processing/makie_post_processing/ and plots_post_processing/plots_post_processing/), so that the separate projects can be created in the sub-directories (makie_post_processing/ and plots_post_processing). moment_kinetics and the other dependencies must also be added to the separate projects (the script takes care of this).